D&AD Case For Her & HeyJane 2023
shortlisted: One Club for creativity Miami 2023
Challenge: Create a campaign that builds a movement to
reframe abortion as an essential right and routine
procedure that is embedded in women’s health.
Because of the stigma associated with abortion, many Americans - and people in the world-at-large see abortion as a taboo mysterious topic that should only be a drastic measure.
In reality, abortion is - like any other healthcare procedure - just that: a procedure. Just as people have countless reasons to see a doctor, there are many reasons why someone may want to receive an abortion procedure, ranging from health issues to financial reasons.
Using both online forums and data from sites such as verywellhealth.com - we compiled just 11 of the most common reasons to represent our pins.
Consider it the conversation starter for advocates all over the world. Starting with its debut at Miami’s Art Basel, our Decision Dispenser will trade “pills” for perspectives by offering what seems to be an abortion pill box but is really a pin in exchange for the stories of abortion patients.
Each complimentary pin will be color coded and tailored to the wearer’s respective reason of choice for getting an abortion.
Each patient’s story will be cataloged and represented through a unique and artistic projection on Art Basel Case for Her x Hey Jane gallery wall. Visitors who share their stories will also be gifted with a complimentary print of their projection to take home.
Those not in attendance can go to our site anyreason.com to virtually input their reason for abortion and view their projection as it is added to the gallery in real-time.
Credits: Isabelle Dino (Art Director and Designer), Julia Sanbe (Copywriter), Cristy Ameller (Designer)

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